Psalm prayer 91

Heavenly Father, I come before You, seeking refuge under Your wings, just as the psalmist proclaimed in Psalm 91. You are my dwelling place, my fortress, and my refuge. In Your presence, I find safety and peace.

I declare that I will dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under Your shadow. I trust in Your protection and Your promises. Cover me with Your feathers and shield me with Your faithfulness.

Lord, I rebuke fear and anxiety in Your name. Your truth is my shield and buckler. No evil shall conquer me, and no plague shall come near my dwelling. Your angels are encamped around me, guarding and protecting me in all my ways.

I rest in Your promises, O Lord. You are my refuge and my fortress. Your faithfulness is my shield and defense. I will not be shaken, for You are with me in every trial and tribulation.

May I live out this day and every day in the assurance of Your care, knowing that You are my refuge, my rock, and my deliverer. In Your powerful and loving name, I pray. Amen.”

May this prayer based on Psalm 91 provide you with strength, comfort, and a sense of God’s protection.





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